Lisa began her real estate career in Connecticut in 1999, focusing on real estate marketing. In 2008, after returning to the Phoenix area where she grew up, she changed careers temporarily, working with seniors in the home health care profession and also substituted at a preschool on a part-time basis. In 2016 she decided to come back to real estate and recently joined the Fry Team. Real estate is such a good match for Lisa’s personality because she is a “people person” who loves meeting new people.
Lisa has 2 grown sons who live in other states and she spends a lot of time with her 2 dogs and cat. She spent 13 years working in a youth program with high school students before moving back to Phoenix and also spent part of a Summer as a counselor at a youth camp in the White Mountains.
Family and specifically young people are important to her, as she knows the value of both and finding homes for families to love and grow in is the most rewarding part of what she does as a real estate agent.